Thursday, November 11, 2010

Repost from June 2010

FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2010

The Brevity

Some of you know my story, some of you don't.  But it occurred to me this morning that it is really good for us to look back sometimes at where we have been so that we can reevaluate where we are headed.  I also believe it is good cleansing for the soul to share where we have been and the things we have dealt with in life.  So, with that said, let me give you some background.  I was raised in Chattanooga, TN by my stay-at-home Mom and Army serving Dad.   My parents sacrificed a lot so that I would be able to attend Christian schools and I am so fortunate for that.   My brother and sister were 12 and 10 years older than me and I was the "baby" of the family.  From the time that I can remember, I always felt SO much love in my heart for others.  I remember thinking that I wasn't normal because I loved people with such a fierce passion.  I was also very insecure, due to many different reasons and this eventually led to my "falling in with the bad crowd" during high school.   I was a people pleaser and I loved to make people laugh - I wanted them to like me.

When I was 20 years old my Mother suffered a massive heart attack and died.   My world was blown apart.  I was devastated.   We weren't on the best terms when she passed away and this obviously was a crucial point in my life that defined me.......shaped me.  I was angry with God and I walked away from Him completely.

Fast forward 5 years and my first child was born.  I don't know why, but it has been my observation through the years that the birth of a child brings many "prodigals" back home to Christ.  And that is exactly what happened with me.  I wanted Christ again, I wanted Him for my children.

Three years ago, my brother (an alcoholic) suffered a fall that left him quadriplegic.  He lived in Chattanooga and at this point we were living here in Winchester and thus started an almost year-long process of driving back and forth to try and make sure he was receiving adequate care, etc.  It was excruciating.  I loved my brother dearly.  He had such a sweet heart, but let his addiction rule his words quite often, but God gave me the eyes to always see his heart and not his actions.   In 2008 we received a call that my brother had choked while in the nursing home he had just been moved to.   He had to be airlifted from that facility to downtown Chattanooga and as a result was without oxygen for over 20 minutes.  We rushed to Chattanooga and our family had to make the decision to take him off of life support.  As his caregiver, I had to sign the papers to do so.   Once again, life shaping.   I held his hand as he died and as he slipped away I wondered once again - "why God?".    So, I decided to seek Christ like I had never sought Him before.  If God really did love me like his own child then I wanted to know him more about Him, figure out what I believed and get some healing.

And this is why I share this very brief version of my 40 years here on earth - God is good!  He IS faithful.  He can heal you heart.  He can make you whole.  He has done it for me - I am living proof.  I am a testimony of His love.    Is my life perfect? - well, heck no!  Do I still struggle with sin and disbelief? - well, yeah!  But I have a peace.  A peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.   And learning about and getting to know my God has brought me to places I thought I would never be.  Like taking seminary classes and doing mission trips.   I guarantee you no one thought that was where this girl has headed!

So my question for you is this?  Have you given God a try?  Have you read His Word and tried him out?  If so, why not?  What would it hurt?  For you see, this life is brief.  The brevity of it is overwhelming, trust me I have lived it.

So it fell by the wayside.....

My blogging has absolutely fallen to the wayside this year.   Just one of those seasons where blogging had to take backseat to my family, service in the Church and my jobs.   But, I am determined to start gearing up for another year of blog-madness.   I would really love to be able to start writing devotionals again and help come along women and encourage them in their walk with Christ.  One thing I have learned this year ( that I knew in my head but had not completely settled into my heart ) is that God really honestly never does waste a hurt!  Those of you who have faithfully followed my blog have seen me write about taking care of and eventually losing my brother, watched me battle with bouts of depression at times, stood along beside me as I felt God's call for me to ministry and then ultimately, this year, try to discern where in the world He wants to use me.   Well, guess what?   I am pretty sure he wants to use me right where I am at.  :)   It isn't difficult.  I think what is difficult for me is that I love serving in so many different capacities and I have to decide on one and stick with it.   So, please join with me in prayer as I get "settled in my skin" about God using me where He has planted me for right now.   I ask you to bear with me as I start getting back into the practice of daily (or maybe bi-daily) blogging and would love for you send me ideas or feedback.   Love to you all and I can't wait to see where 2011 takes us all!

John 3: 16-17  "This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.