Monday, January 28, 2008

Weary and Burdened

Actually I am NOT weary and burdened today, but there are MANY days that this seems to be my mantra. I listen to a song a lot in the car called "Come To Me" and the kids love it. Last night, Abby said "Mommy I know the verse that your song talks about. It is in Matthew!" Isn't that so cool.

Chris is leaving for exactly 7 days and I know that by Thursday that song will be playing full blast in my car. So for all you Winchesterites, if you see me and my music is blaring, know that I am praising my God loudly so that I don't end up "cursing" Chris!

Please visit my friend Amanda (dear, dear friend) whom I miss much at She posted some GREAT recipes this week!

Also, please check this out - I LOVE IT!!