Saturday, April 30, 2011

Perspective - A View or Vista

My week started off badly due to my father's diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease on Tuesday.   I was very shaken while watching my father undergo the testing and realizing that he was testing positive for Parkinson's on all the tests.   It was hard to even finish out work that day, but I kept trying to focus on the fact that we now have a true diagnosis and that he was able to be put on medicine to help stop the symptoms.  On top of that we have been trying to get an old truck we have up and running for Jacob to drive now that he has his license.   Money is very tight and there seems to be many things that need to be fixed - one after the other.

And now it is Friday and our beautiful South has been ravaged and devastated by massives storms with a death count this morning of 297 which is expected to rise.  We have all seen the incredible video footage and pictures and I have talked to a few people in areas that were hit.   The destruction is unreal.   And, SO, once again I have been given perspective.  

Funny, I have been begging and pleading with God the past month or so to speak to me.  To settle my soul regarding certain family concerns, church concerns, and financial concerns and as I awoke this morning I realized that this was my answer - perspective.  Yes, my dad's condition is not great, but he has lived a long life.   Yes, my children may not always act the way I think they should, but they are healthy and strong and overall, good kids with incredibly good hearts.   Yes, our finances may not be in great shape, but we have a home, food, and power!   Perspective.  I suppose sometimes all I really need is just a good dose of it!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Come to Me with Empty Hands

Come to me with empty hands and an open heart, ready to receive abundant blessings.  I know the depth and breadth of your neediness.  Your life-path has been difficult, draining you of strength.  Come to Me for nurture.  Let Me fill you up with my Presence:  I in you and you in Me.  My Power flows most freely into weak ones aware of their need fr Me.  Faltering steps of dependence are not lack of faith; they are links to My Presence.

Excerpt from 'Jesus Calling'.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good Friday, 30-Hour Famine and Easter!

Well, this will be my 5th year helping lead our Youth through World Vision's 30-Hour Famine and I am so excited!  We will  begin fasting at noon on Good Friday and continue our fast through 6 p.m. on Saturday evening.   Please pray for our youth and leaders that we would feel the Spirit's presence with us as we go without food for 30 hours and also that we would raise a sizeable donation for World Vision.  

It is going to be an amazing weekend!  Spending time with our youth, Good Friday service Friday night, service projects on Saturday and ultimately communion together and breaking our fast on Saturday evening. 

All of this blessing leading up to the greastest day of the year - EASTER!   We will be traveling as a family to Nashville on Sunday to spend Easter with my sister, so I will have to miss the Youth that are going to be making professions of faith this Sunday and also being baptized Sunday afternoon.   Know that I will be there with you in spirit and in prayer.   Believe it or not, I was going to get dunked Sunday also, but spending Easter as a family is tradition.  God is faithful and I know He will open up another opportunity for me to make the journey of "immersion" in the future. 

Blessings to all this Easter weekend and remember that Jesus paid it all and set us free!   Love ~  Melissa