Friday, March 28, 2008


As many of you know, our family is going on a missions trip to Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota in June. I have come up with a few ideas for fundraisers to raise money for us to get out there and back, but thought it would be a good idea to get suggestions from my ever faithful blog audience (if there are any.....). We have until the end of April to pay the $600.00 fee for our family to go and then we will need to raise about $900 for gas (main portion of this amount), food and at least two hotel stays. Thanks to my friend Jen in California and a few family members, we have raised about $200.00 so far. Any ideas would be appreciated!

The Space Station

Our whole family laid on the trampoline last night and watched the European ATV (auto transfer vehicle) speed across the sky with the International Space Station following fairly closely behind it! It was incredible!!! Here is the link to see when the Space Station will be flying over your city.
