Monday, March 15, 2010

A Calling.....

I am currently reading a book called "Listening Hearts" and for the next few weeks am planning on sharing some excerpts from the book with you. As I am discerning with prayer and scripture, God's own call on my life, I encourage you to do the same. From the first excerpt I think it is most important that we realize that God "calls" each of us. We, each and everyone one of us, have a calling. That's so cool! So, here we go, Exerpt #1

"God calls each of us. There are a variety of calls, and no one call is inherently better or higher than any other. The call of a priest, monk, or nun, however sacred, is, in and of itself, not a suuerior call to the call of an architect designing a house or a mechanic repairing a car, or a nurse caring for the sick. It is our faithfulness to God not our station in life that honors a call."

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