Sunday, February 1, 2009

Great Book!

I have met so many wonderful people over the internet and especially through Facebook! I met one especially sweet girl through Facebook named Tammy Maltby. She lives in Colorado and has a great life story and also has written an incredible book called "Confessions of a Good Christian Girl." She sent me an autographed copy in the mail this week as a surprise and I am spending the day reading it while making hot wings for the Middle School SuperBowl Party at church. I feel like the book was written for me - or could have been written by me! If you get a chance to pick it up, I encourage you to read it. Here is a review:

"Beautifully tender and scorchingly honest. Confessions refuses to waste time on either judgment or sentiment. This book, like its author, speaks with a voice of deep understanding, aching transparency, and fierce reliance on the Grace of God."

I personally thank Tammy for being REAL. Something so many people have trouble being either due to fear or pride. She uses her life story as a witness to others and to give us all hope in our present circumstances. Melissa

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