Saturday, February 23, 2008

30-Hour Famine

Wow. What an awesome experience I had this weekend with the Youth Group at our church. We participated in World Vision's 30-Hour Famine and we raised around $3200.00 for children across the world who are in need.

Let me tell you that these kids are incredible. They didn't complain. The did not eat for 30 hours, they participated in service activities for the church and collected food for those in need. They participated in all the activities we had planned and they kept my mind off of the death of my brother which would have just kept me in bed all weekend. I saw some wonderful hearts in these kids and it just made me want to grow closer to them and to Him.
Even Abby and Emma participated in their own little fast from 9:00 p.m. last night until 6:30 p.m. this evening. Let this be a lesson that we CAN follow Jesus' example of fasting. If these kids can do it (and my 9 year old can do it) then WE can do it....... Melissa

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