Saturday, January 19, 2008

Following Jesus - really doing it.....

To be the kind of person who selflessly serves takes everything a person has. It is difficult. It is demanding. And we often find ourselves going against the flow of all of those around us. Which is why we are reclaiming the simple fact that Jesus said the way is narrow. We are honest about this, especially to our friends who wouldn't say they are Christians . Very few people in our world are offering anything worth dying for. Most of the messages we receive are about making life easier. The call of Jesus goes the other direction: It's about making our lives more diffiult. It is going out of our way to be more generous and disciplined and loving and free. It is refusing to escape and become numb and check out of this broken fractured world.

And so we are embracing the high demands of Jesus' call to be one of His disciples. We are honest about it. We want our friends to know up front that the costs are high, which is what is so appealing about Jesus - his vision for life takes everything we have.

Velvit Elvis - Rob Bell

Wow - isn't that great! I just love it!


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