Tuesday, November 13, 2007

NYC 2007 in Atlanta

Chris and I are off Friday morning to the National Youth Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. We are very excited to have the opportunity to go and also wanted to let people know that we received a total of $230.00 in donations towards Chris' registration fee. His fee was $250.00 (including late fee) - God is good! THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SENT IN A DONATION! We are now in the process of farming out the kids for the weekend and all that jazz. Third Day is playing at the conference on Friday night and they are my absolute favorite band! Can't wait!

Hope all is well and blessings to all,


P.S. We sold our Expedition in one week's time and bought a 2001 Saab for less than $5000.00 (yes, it needs some work!) We paid off all of our medical bills - which if you know our history was a lot! My kidney surgery this year and my back stuff and Chris' kidney stone and all of the kids past medical bills. We are very happy to not have any of that hanging over our head!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you could use the money for bills. I know it is a relief to get some of that taken care of. Now if I could only get all of my bills taken care of...