Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Are You Joking Me?

Last week a friend of mine was telling me about a lady at our church who makes prayer shawls.  She told me what a ministry it was for this lady and how much comfort and love people feel when they receive one.  They are not "magic" nor do they make you "closer to God", but they are a symbol of positioning ourselves in prayer and reminding ourselves that we are covered by God.  

Long story short, I wanted one.  I thought "that is so cool!".   I wanted to ask the lady at our church for one, but didn't want to impose upon her, so the thought left my mind........until today!   No joke, look what was on my porch when I got home.   I told NO ONE about wanting one of these, but guess what???  God heard me!   He loves me so much he sent me a prayer shawl from the wife of a co-worker of Chris who lives in Knoxville, Tennessee.   I laughed out loud as I opened the box!!!


Jen R. said...

Ha! He is so faithful!

Jen R. said...

Now I want one!

Leslie Stephens said...

God longs to give us the desires of our heart. For many years I secretly desired to be one of those house keepers who cleaned up her kitchen after every meal. I could not seem to make the grade. We moved and now have ants. so I have been forced to clean up my kitchen after every meal. God definitely has a sense of humor. :) Glad you got your shawl. Love you!