Just like many followers of POTSC I felt a little "uncomfortable" about the new campaign poster of Casey Anthony.
It brought out feelings that I did not know how to deal with. I mean, I am the queen of needing forgiveness, grace, and second chances, but HER? Really? She deserved it too? No way.......she killed her child, right?
So, just like many others, I have battled through many different feelings this week. Did I deserve a second chance when I wasted my parents money and failed out of college the first year? Did I deserve a second chance when I made horrid decisions during my college years? Did I deserve a second chance when I failed miserably at my marriage? Of course, I did! Because I was "me" - and "I" always deserve a second chance, right? "We" always deserve second chances, but "those people" who do really bad things, um, not so much.
My brain numbed......I had a hard time figuring this out. I love Jesus. I was saved at age 8. I have done missionary work and helped out in many different ministries. Good grief, in my job right now I love people at their worst and try and help them get back on their feet, but Casey Anthony. Hmmm.......
I searched the Scriptures and that is what I would encourage you to do also. Dig deep within yourself and listen to Jesus' words. NO one is beyond a second chance and that doesn't mean just "me" and "you". That means EVERYONE - all God's Children. So, if the new POTSC campaign offends you or makes you angry inside, then GOOD - that's the point. Search yourself. Search the Scriptures and most of all remember how many second chances you have had. Most of all, the hardest part, is remembering that Christ did not just die for you. He died for us all, even Casey if she receives Him.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2: 8-9