I have an amazing opportunity to serve this coming February in Fond-des-Blanc, Haiti. John Lovelace (a friend and one of my personal heroes) put me in contact with a group of people who are going to to Fond-des-Blanc to help work on a school building. After putting me in contact with the group, he then pledged money to help send me. :) After putting much thought and prayer into it, my boss then told me she wanted to pledge some money to help me go. Then another individual pledged more money and then another. SO, I decided to go to an informational meeting about the trip last night (which was exciting, sort of scary in regards to aspects of the trip, but all in all, the deciding factor for me to take a step out in faith and GO.) So, after I raise the rest of my money to go (approximately $500), I will be leaving February 8th to head to Haiti! Exciting, scary, and a little overwhelming. Everyone who knows me knows that my heart is in missions and so this is a very happy and humbling opportunity for me. If you are interested in helping me make my way to Haiti this February, please message me and I will give you more information as to the aspect of the trip. Love and blessings to all ~ Melissa