Sunday, December 9, 2012

Like A Child

Craig Groeschel, pastor of, has been teaching a series the past two weeks entitled Like A Child.  Last week's message was "God is For Me" (and, yes guys He is!).  This week's message was titled God is With Me.  Oh my goodness how I needed that reminder!  As I once again go through a season of being stretched, challenged, and trying to follow God's lead, it was so refreshing to be reminded of the simple truth that God is with me through each and every step of my journey.

I was so convicted by a statement Craig made that he "prays that we never become too 'intellectual, too 'mature' or too 'prideful' to remember the simple fact that God is with us.  Just like parents are always there for their children, so our God is always there for us.  The truth of the matter is that, just like our children are sometimes not connected to us, we are many times and likely most of the time, not connected to our Father.

As you start this week, I challenge you to take a moment each day to talk to God, and, even if you don't, remember He is still there with you.  And the best news is, He is for you!