Where to start? Well, first of all, this is a very exciting week for me because our church is participating in the 30-Hour Famine this weekend. Our youth will be fasting for 30 hours while simultaneoulsy raising money for World Vision and also holding a community food drive for the Good Samaritan Center here in Winchester. I love helping out with this project and can't wait to see how God works in all of our lives during the Famine.
Secondly, I have been really relying on the Lord to help me through the 1st year anniversary of my brother's death and He has been so good. Sunday during church I became overwhelmed with grief, but could feel the Lord's comfort and peace surround me. And our pastor talked about the compassion of Christ during the service and how sometimes death is a gift - to ease the pain and suffering. Very timely words!
Also, other news is that I have started participating in a new Bible study on the book of Esther by Beth Moore with 6 other women and it is SO good - I highly encourage you to do this study if you have the opportunity.
Other than that, just doing life and taking it day by day. Working two jobs and loving it! Chris and the kids are good and we are juggling everything fairly well. If you know me, you know that is just how I like it! Peace and love to all! Melissa