Hey guys! Saw my brother on Saturday and he is doing really great. They are trying to get him to breathe on his own and he was in a fairly good mood, considering.
We had a whirlwind, very busy weekend with traveling and work, but ended up FINALLY getting the drywall completed in the kids' rooms and now we just have to clean up all the drywall dust, prime and paint the walls, and then put down the trim (I am sure that will all go extremely smooth and timely - yeah, right!). I am figuring we should possibly be done by 2008. :)
Keep our family in prayer this week. You can always pray for me regarding stress - it seems to have become a normal way of life and also we are still mulling over some decisions regarding work. Chris is going to be leaving Thursday evening for his Walk to Emmaus. Please keep him specifically in your prayers. He will be gone until Sunday evening.
I hope everyone had a great Labor Day and hopefully I can come up with something interesting, creative or funny to post sometime this week. (Don't hold your breath! )