Wednesday, July 22, 2009

WOW - Long Time No Blog

Well, needless to say we have been very busy at the Brown House with kids going to camp and also the general getting ready for back-to-school mayhem. We decided to close the skate shop in order for us to spend more time as a family and we have been busy with that also. It may cut out some much needed money, but we will be able to spend weekends together again and that is worth much, much more to me. It has become all the more clear to me lately how very few years we have left with them at home. ;(

We have also made the decision for Jacob to start high school back at home doing school online through Liberty University and I think this was one of the best decisions we have made in quite a while. I am so happy about him being back home and we will plan on schooling the girls during high school at home also if this works out well and finances permit.

Lastly, if you get the chance to read a book "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller, I highly recommend reading it! This book has been lifechanging for me and it was refreshing to read a book by someone whose Christian beliefs are so much like my own and so many others out there. Basically, that we need to follow Christ and not so much what "Christianity" has become in America, drop our judgmental attitudes and stop following a so-called "Christian" agenda. But, that we should "be the church", know that we are ALL sinners and go be with non-believers, hang out with them and show them the grace and love of Jesus Christ. This is something that is very dear to my heart, because I have never understood people who think of Christianity as a list of rights vs. wrongs and doing the exact right thing (i.e. legalism, i.e. Pharisees). Anyways, it is just such a great book and I hope if you get the chance you can sit down and enjoy it.

So, here's to a new school year (can you believe it?)!
