I really do try not to use my blog as a political soapbox (after all you only have to see my bumper sticker to know how I feel) but I have had it! Honestly I believe we have seen the end of true journalism in this country. I NEVER watch CNN because it is a biased bunch of crap anyways, but I did watch it yesterday evening to see what they had to say about the RNC. Lord have mercy on us, does true journalism even exist anymore? Is journalism now about making blatant attacks on people??? Isn't journalism supposed to be about finding out the facts and reporting them to the public?? Evidently not - CNN has become nothing more than a STAR magazine or National Enquirer. It is very sad. Not only is it very sad - but even more sad the majority of dumbed down Americans don't even realize it.
GO SARAH PALIN! She scares the heck out of these people and that is why they can't do anything but try and attack the fact that she has children for crying out loud - where in the heck did the John Edwards story go?? This man cheats on his wife with breast cancer and we hear nothing! Sarah Palin has 5 children and a normal 17 year old daughter who made a mistake and we are attacking
her character??? Come on people really.............