I hardly know if I am coming or going and sanity is something I have long ago given up hope on. Emma is cheering this year, Abby and Emma both are playing soccer (practice everyday and sometimes 2 games a week) and all three of the kids are very involved with church - not to mention school. I know that one day I will look back and miss these days, but right now I am just praying to make it through them. We have all remained healthy so far this school year and I am praising God for that! As a matter of fact, I am trying to make it a daily practice to look around and give thanks for all the good things in my life. Why not? - it sure is a lot better than dwelling on the negatives! I am still trying to work on my own school - which seems to fall to the bottom of the list most days, but still wanting to work towards completing my Religious Studies degree at Berea. Chris is traveling a lot these days and I am co-leading a Wednesday night study at my church and will be hosting a girls only study this Fall for the girls in Youth at Winchester Cumberland Presbyterian. That is my love. If I could study God's Word and/or lead studies every day I think I would die a very happy woman. It has taken me a long time to realize my calling, but finally I know that I just love to help others in their journey to study the Scriptures.
Praying that this post finds all in good health and in constant pursuit of their journey with Christ. Love to you all - Melissa