"There is a person who we already are in God's eyes. And we are learning to live like it is true. This is an issue of identity. It is letting what God says about us shape what we believe about ourselves. This is why shame has no place whatsoever in the Christian experience. It is simply AGAINST all that Jesus is FOR. As the writer to the Romans put it, 'Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.'
No shame.
No list of what is being held against us.
No record of wrongs.
It has simply been done away with.
It is no longer an issue.
Bringing it up is pointless.
Beating myself up is pointless.
Beating others up about who and what they are not is going the wrong direction! It is working agains the purposes of God. God is not interested in shaming people; God wants people to see who they really are.
I am not who I was.
You are not who you were.
Reborn, rebirthed, remade, reconciled, renewed."
This excerpt from "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell is what I felt led to share with everyone this evening. I am going to continue to share some points from this book throughout the week, but this one really hit home with me. For those of us who are "people-pleasers" or those of us who feel like we have to "get it all together and make things right" before we are really loved by God. We must bask in the free gift of grace and love that God has given us. To not do so would be ungracious and full of doubt in the Saviour that we claim to love. Maybe this is too deep for some, but we MUST dig deep. Even though it is painful, I am living testimony that it bears nothing but fruit when we examine ourselves fully before the Lord and believe COMPLETELY AND FULLY in His Holy Scripture.
Love and blessings to all,
Whew! On a lighter note - the picture is of the girls making dinner Saturday night for all of us. Emma made homemade potato soup (it was delicious!) and Abby made a WONDERFUL salad to go along with it! (Jacob made cookies.......) :)