Is it only me or does this time of year evoke a feeling of new beginnings? As the kids start their preparations of going back to school and we get all our supplies in order, I always feel the need to clean, organize and get a calendar together detailing all our different schedules. It makes me feel like somehow in control of what the school year brings.
Control......what a word. Let's think about control -
God is ultimately in control..........
We can't control other people - nor should we have the desire to.......
We can't control many circumstances, i.e. sickness, death, etc.......
But there is one thing that we are called to control and that is ourselves. We are to have control over our own bodies and minds. We are to control our anger, our eating, our drinking, and especially our tongues. So, as we start this school year off tomorrow, I am making it my goal to to focus on controlling my situations or those around me - my husbands, my kids, etc., but to concentrate on what Christ tells me to concentrate on: SELF-CONTROL. Many people are in places of bitterness, resentment, anger or depression because they try to control things that are out of their control. Wives want to change their husbands. Moms want to change their kids. Husbands want to change their wives. Then, when this doesn't work, people are left wondering why. The reason is because we are called only to control ourselves. Today I encourage us all to take a look at our own lives and see what we might to be rein back into control. Whatever it is, there is one things that remains true - through Christ we can bring our lives back into order and back under control. His grace is never ending! Thank you God!
"Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city."