Friday, July 23, 2010

Finally, I have the chance for a quick post!   We have been sick, been doing the summer stuff and just living the crazy life and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!  

I have been mulling over some things as of late, the primary thing being that we MUST start living the Christian life out through LOVE.   It is the number one commandment - to love the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself.   I find that so many people call themselves Christians and do the "church" thing but aren't truly living out love in their day to day lives.   I am completely guilty of this, so I am not trying to cast condemnation, but come on people, do we really believe what we say we do?   Do we love those who don't look like us, don't have the money we have, might be down and out, might smell bad or offend us?   If not, then we might need to reevaluate whether or not we love Jesus Christ.   This is something I am challenged by daily.  I pray that we will ask the Lord daily to change our hearts, to renew our minds and transform us into His image.   

Here is a great video by Beth Moore from this week.   Hope you enjoy!   Love to all!

The Guarded Heart - Beth Moore

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