Thursday, February 18, 2010


One of the things I enjoy the most about blogging is that I can look back over the years and see what our family has been through and where God has brought us so far. I came across this post from 2 years ago this week, and thought I would repost it (link below). God has been SO good to me. I can remember feeling so lost and just plain exhausted during that time, and wondering how to keep going on. God never wastes a hurt or a tear my friends. I miss my brother so much and yes losing him and the way we lost him was EXTREMELY painful, but through his death I learned SO much about myself and the human condition. I learned about the brutality of addiction and how it steals lives and destroys them. Most of all, I learned that our time here is short. So short.....

1 comment:

Unknown said... always seems we grow the most through the trials...they never makes sense at the time but looking back we see the beauty.

Thanks for choosing to follow my blog. I look forward to getting to know you. God bless.

His love extended:
Julie Gorman