Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Well the update at the Brown House is that Abby and Emma are running for Student Council. And, YES, there is a good chance one will make it and one won't. Abby served last year, but is re-running and Emma is running for the first time. Should make for an interesting day when the results come in. :0

Other than that things are going well for us. Jacob is continuing to do well homeschooling this year and we are staying busy with soccer and football season (band) as well as lots of church functions.

I have been reading another good book lately called The Organic God which I highly recommend. It is a great read.

I have really been mulling over my faith lately and challenging myself to really live as Christ would have me to live - mainly to LOVE PEOPLE. All people, not just some people, not just my family and friends, not just the people who look nice and clean up well and say all the right things, but ALL people. I have been looking more closely at Christ's life and realizing that he hung out with people that were looked down upon, treated badly and led sinful lives. Shouldn't we be doing the same? Can we really call ourselves Christians if we only hang around our "church" crowd or better yet - hold grudges against people or not showing grace to people, when that is what we are saved by! It is not an easy road, actually it is a very hard and narrow road. Is is definitely a journey..........

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