Well, first of all I am up very late, but that is because I am completely burning the candle at both ends this week. Today was the usual work and orthodondist appointment and dealing with finances and just doing life. Tomorrow is a day in Nashville at the Capitol for my last day of Leadership Franklin County before I graduate. Wednesday - close on my brother's house and also close out his probate - finally! This is such closure for me and as I have thought about it tonight will be a relief, but also sorrowful at the same time. I will never be at his house again and I think, in some way, it will be a grieving process all over again. Thursday - work both jobs and Friday - work and then chaperone our youth at Acquire the Fire in Nashville. I know that God is setting me up this week to rely on Him and also I am praying that He is setting me up to hear a word from Him this weekend. I pray that all is well with those I love and that this week will go quickly - something I normally don't wish.......Lord knows life goes to quickly as it is.
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