Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Big Change

Starting next week, I am going to be going back to work full-time. I was just incurring too many taxes working from home. When we visited our accountant he emphasized the fact that I REALLY need to either diligently put back taxes every quarter or go back to work outside of the home. You see, I not only pay normal taxes, but self-employment tax on top of that.

So, we shall see how we all make the adjustment next week. It should be very interesting. Jacob will be riding the bus more and I have to find Abby and Emma a ride home in the afternoons. I think Abby may seriously have a meltdown, but she'll just have to get over it. Jacob doesn't really mind and Emma is just excited that I get to work in a doctor's office. I can't even begin to think about the summer! Oh well, people do this everyday right? But do they do this with three kids and a husband who is gone 2-3 nights out of the week? I am sure they do......

Chris is in Louisville Kentucky today and drove straight into snow and an impending ice storm. Hopefully he won't get stuck there!!!! He will be gone until Thursday evening.

I think I can, I know I can, I think I can, I know I can..........

Love and blessings,



Anonymous said...

What you're doing is very courageous & God will assist you. Yes, people do this every day. I've seen lots of unmarried women accomplish much with children to care for also.
Best of luck.
One thing I would suggest, I wouldn't mention (to the entire inernet) that My husband is out of town for days. That's not an invitation but some may take note and take advantage of that.
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

wish my husband would go out of town for a few days :)

You'll be fine. You shine under challenges. It's that military upbringing.