Monday, January 28, 2008

Weary and Burdened

Actually I am NOT weary and burdened today, but there are MANY days that this seems to be my mantra. I listen to a song a lot in the car called "Come To Me" and the kids love it. Last night, Abby said "Mommy I know the verse that your song talks about. It is in Matthew!" Isn't that so cool.

Chris is leaving for exactly 7 days and I know that by Thursday that song will be playing full blast in my car. So for all you Winchesterites, if you see me and my music is blaring, know that I am praising my God loudly so that I don't end up "cursing" Chris!

Please visit my friend Amanda (dear, dear friend) whom I miss much at She posted some GREAT recipes this week!

Also, please check this out - I LOVE IT!!


Jen R. said...

Hope you are doing OK. When is your deadline for fundraising?

Unknown said...

We have until the end of April. Thanks for asking Jen!

Amanda said...

1) Thanks for the blog ad. Now I need to finish the second edition of investment cooking and post it!
2) That is the greatest video..maybe I'm just tired from pulling an all-nighter at my new job or maybe it just struck a nerve..good news..I like it!
3)There is a new boy living in your old house. I saw him waiting for the bus today and he looks so much like is eerie.
4) I miss you, but feel with you in spirit.
Peace, my friend.