Emerging church
Emergents favor the sharing of experiences and interactions such as testimonies, prayer, group recitation, sharing meals and other communal practices, which they believe are personal and sincere over propositional, evangelistic preaching (preferring to guide persons to a full understanding of Christian faith through friendship and mercy). Exegetical teaching in the Emerging Church tends to uses modern & postmodern scholarship to view the Bible and its stories through a lense which (hopefully) more closely resembles the original intent of the authors and finds significance/meaning in the convergence with today's social and personal stories. Emerging church participants are thus true to the social constructs of their local narratives and the intent of scripture.
The movement's participants claim they are creating a safe environment for those with opinions ordinarily rejected within modern conservative evangelicalism/fundamentalism. Non-critical, interfaith dialog is favored over dogmatically-driven evangelism in the movement. Emergents do not engage in apologetics or confrontational evangelism in the traditional sense, preferring to allow persons the freedom to discover their faith through conversation and witness.
Missional Living:
Participants in this movement assert that the incarnation of Christ informs their theology, believing that as God entered the world in human form, adherents enter (individually and communally) into the context around them, aiming to transform that culture through local involvement in it. This holistic involvement may take many forms, including social activism, hospitality, and acts of kindness. Emergents call this beneficent involvement in culture "missional living." Missional living is thought to make emergents part of the culture rather than outsiders who call people to come out from among the culture; and this approach leads emergents to their focus on temporal and social issues, as opposed to the Evangelical emphasis on eternal salvation. The hope of the emerging church movement's "gospel" is to enhance the lives of others regardless of their lifestyles or beliefs. Therefore, social action, community involvement, and sacrificial hospitality are more emphasized in the movement than preaching and teaching.
Creative spirituality
This can involve everything from expressive, neocharismatic style of worship and the use of contemporary and films to more ancient liturgical customs and eclectic expressions of spirituality, with the goal of making the church gathering genuinely reflective of the local community's tastes.
Emergent Christians are a latte-drinking, backpack-lugging, Birkenstock-wearing group of 21st-century, left-wing, hippie wannabes.
Wow - don't be shy! :)
Are you an emergent christian?
I try to never classify myself with any particular group - I am too eccentric and variated on my views for that - but yes I identify with them on missional living and also on worship style. I also have vision to see that this is where our church will be heading in the next generation. I believe God's word should be acted out in community vs. just having "head knowledge of the Bible". Blessings,
If I'm not mistaken, this MODERN
group were major contributors to the removal of the Ten Commandments and Prayer in school.
The Bible will still show the way & look how OLD it is.
I have never heard of the Emergent movement being involved with any of the above. Scott McKnight? Rob Bell? So they have been linked with taking the 10 commandments out of government buildings and taking prayer out of schools? Prayer out of schools happened in the 60's and they are my age (30's). Interesting.. I will have to research that and see some documentation.
I consider my call to be one of the emerging, missional church. I think that there are varying degrees of what it means to be in this movement that we are going towards...this is the direction the Spirit is leading!...and therefore they cannot be summarized as "prefer this over that". In my eyes, teaching is very important (but may happen different than "traditional" approaches) and evangelizing happens through loving as Christ loved. This new missional era is happening whether people are on board or not...God will work as He always has.
Anonymous commenters always crack me up. If you have views on God that differ, then speak with conviction!
In my opinion, those who honestly associate with the missional church culture are doing so scripturally and follow the Spirit's leading.
I just get excited discussing it because I believe that YES this is exactly where we are headed and the most important think is that Christ's love is shown no matter what. Thanks Jen, I completely agree with you.
Rob Bell believes that scripture is not based on absolute truth but approaches doctrine as flexible and constantly emerging. In other words scripture is twisted to bring more people into his cult. He is a incredible communicator and easily lures GenXers who don't hold strong beliefs and connections.
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