Okay, I don't even know how to begin really. Chris and I went to Destin, Florida last weekend with another couple and no children. It was a LOAD of fun! We dealt with something called the "Red Tide" (research it) while we were there and that was bad, but because we were with friends it didn't seem to matter so much. Also, someone caught a 844 pound Mako shark while we were there on Saturday. NICE..............
Both Abby and Emma made the basketball team and that was very exciting. The day after, Abby got to go to Gatlinburg with a friend and a few days later Emma got to go to my sister's house in Nashville. (I think Jacob just liked not having the girls around! :)
I am SO SORRY that I haven't posted in awhile. Life is busy and time is short, but I do know that I love you all and that I keep everyone in my prayers. I have been having a very hard time coping with the stresses of life lately and have felt myself slipping down a slippery slope lately and I am just so glad that God is such a loving and forgiving God!
I'm glad you finally posted...I was wondering how you were. I'm glad you guys had a good vacation...it is always good to get a break without children!
Email me if you ever need a friend...I hope you are doing OK with your stress:)
Thanks Jen. I think it is just the season of life right now with three kids involved in school, church, soccer, basketball, etc. This too shall pass.......
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