I had to think long and hard about whether to post this or not, but anyone who knows me, knows that I normally say what I think (to my great misfortune most of the time.)
I was recently at a PTO meeting at my son's Middle School and we were in the process of picking out types of shirts to sell for the upcoming Homecoming as a fundraiser. I held up one particular shirt (gray - that same horrible gray we all had to wear in the 70's for gym) and I said "I think boys would probably really buy this one". (We were going to have them screen-printed with the school emblem on front.)
Melissa side-note: At this point, does anyone have a problem with anything I have said during this meeting? I was raised in a conservative home in Chattanooga, Tennessee, went to a conservative elementary and middle school, a liberal private high school, attended a liberal public university and basically have one of the most very diverse educations of any person I know. I don't consider myself judgmental (I make a point not to be because I love the Lord), but I also know right from wrong and have common sense - thank you Momma and Daddy!
At this point, a woman in the meeting spoke up and said "Please don't say boy or girl, Please..........Let's not do that." (emphasis here on "Let's not do that" - hushed tone.)
Needless to say, my jaw dropped to the floor (figuratively, not literally - I AM a Southern Girl you know). I wanted to say "EXCUSE ME?", but in my nice Southern-raised, always scared of getting spanked during Church, God-fearing, Lynrd Skynrd listening, John Lennon lyric-loving, cannot-believe you just said that (but I'm not going to act like I am shocked because I am Southern) voice said "I'm sorry, I mean children, or, um... I mean students".
WHAT IN THE WORLD? Did God not create humans, male and female created He them? Honestly, I actually adapted to polital correctness during the 90's and never even realized it or basically didn't even care I guess, but my goodness, now I can't even call a child a boy or a girl anymore! I can't even recognize the fact that they basically like different things? God help us!
Okay, it is late, I am tired and obviously I am ranting. I never thought I would see the day this was happening and I was starting to sound like my parents. Next thing you know, I will think everything is a McCarthy conspiracy!
1 comment:
I'm not one to leave messages...but I just had to....It's football time in Tennessee...Amen!
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