My favorite holiday is, and always has been, Easter. I have many great memories of great Sunrise Services, yummy homemade Easter meals and Easter Egg Hunts at my grandmother's house. This year my family will be coming to my house (as has become tradition) and I am SO excited. We will also be celebrating Abby's 13th birthday this weekend and I am so thankful for her! She was born on Easter Sunday 1997 and this is yet another reason Easter is so special to my heart.
As we draw closer to the day we remember Christ's crucifixion and point our eyes towards the cross, let us all be thankful and remember the ultimate Sacrifice. Are we sacrificing it all for him? Do our lives generate sacrificial giving and do our lives shine for Christ? Take time to ponder on His journey to the cross. Take time to reflect on your own journey to the cross. Are you making one daily?