Monday, March 31, 2008
Verse for the Day
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 118:2
Friday, March 28, 2008

As many of you know, our family is going on a missions trip to Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota in June. I have come up with a few ideas for fundraisers to raise money for us to get out there and back, but thought it would be a good idea to get suggestions from my ever faithful blog audience (if there are any.....). We have until the end of April to pay the $600.00 fee for our family to go and then we will need to raise about $900 for gas (main portion of this amount), food and at least two hotel stays. Thanks to my friend Jen in California and a few family members, we have raised about $200.00 so far. Any ideas would be appreciated!
The Space Station
Our whole family laid on the trampoline last night and watched the European ATV (auto transfer vehicle) speed across the sky with the International Space Station following fairly closely behind it! It was incredible!!! Here is the link to see when the Space Station will be flying over your city.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Puritan Prayer
The Valley of Vision
Lord, high and holy, meek and lowly, Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision, where I live in the depths but see Thee in the heights; hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold Thy glory. Let me learn by paradox that the way down is the way up, that to be low is to be high, that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul, that to have nothing is to possess all, that to bear the cross is to wear the crown, that to give is to receive, that the valley is the place of vision. Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from deepest wells, and the deeper the wells the brighter Thy stars shine; let me find Thy light in my darkness, Thy life in my death, Thy joy in my sorrow, Thy grace in my sin, Thy riches in my poverty, Thy glory in my valley.
Lord, high and holy, meek and lowly, Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision, where I live in the depths but see Thee in the heights; hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold Thy glory. Let me learn by paradox that the way down is the way up, that to be low is to be high, that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul, that to have nothing is to possess all, that to bear the cross is to wear the crown, that to give is to receive, that the valley is the place of vision. Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from deepest wells, and the deeper the wells the brighter Thy stars shine; let me find Thy light in my darkness, Thy life in my death, Thy joy in my sorrow, Thy grace in my sin, Thy riches in my poverty, Thy glory in my valley.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter 2008

We had a wonderful Easter Day! Got up early and went to breakfast at church with my Daddy- which was WONDERFUL! Then after church we came home and spent the day with my family. I miss my sister and my nieces so much and it was great to have them here to spend the day with us. My Dad came up Saturday and built Emma a chicken coop in the backyard for the chickens. We had a great time. We spent the weekend hanging out, having an Easter egg hunt and just being goofy.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Church Easter Play

Okay, here are pictures of the Easter play. I could not for the life of me get a good picture tonight. The lighting in the gym is weird. BUT, here are some pictures and just overlook the graininess of the photos and the fact that everyone has white eyes for some reason. They did a great job and then at the end they all came in with banners (by that time my battery had run out, imagine that!). Emma's said "Lord of Lords" and Abby was the last one to come in with a beautiful banner saying "Jesus Loves You". You will have to just envison it.
Love to all and I hope that as we all are approaching Good Friday, we will consider the cost that Christ paid for our sins.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (that would be me)!

We now are the proud owners of 15 baby chickens. They are very cute and the girls are excited (as is Eddie). Eddie is just waiting for one to get out of the box so he can have a snack.
Happy Easter!
By the way, Precepts training on Saturday went wonderful. It was a wonderful experience and hopefully I can start a class here in the Fall.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Well, we are the hotel room in Atlanta and got here just as the tornado hit downtown Atlanta. Very strange. How blessed we were that we didn't drive straight to the IKEA store downtown like we were going to do. Instead we just got something to eat and went to the hotel (we are staying at a Hampton Inn about 10 miles north of downtown). We will be downtown tomorrow and will see the damage. Thankfully, it sounds like there were no fatalities.
Can't wait for Precept class tomorrow. I am excited! Also, it is nice to spend the weekend with my husband and look forward to my sister coming to spend the night Sunday night.
We are blessed,
Can't wait for Precept class tomorrow. I am excited! Also, it is nice to spend the weekend with my husband and look forward to my sister coming to spend the night Sunday night.
We are blessed,
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
"The laws of physics tell us that energy in the universe is never lost. It is simply transformed from one state to another. So it is with the human experience. Nothing is ever lost entirely. God uses every happening to accomplish His divine purposes."
Read 2 Corinthians 3:18.
Read 2 Corinthians 3:18.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Abby's Room

We finally finished Abby's room this weekend! We are all very excited. It has taken 7 months, but we got it done! Just in time for her birthday, i.e. slumber party.
3-4 Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust.
5-9 So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus. Without these qualities you can't see what's right before you, oblivious that your old sinful life has been wiped off the books.
10-11 So, friends, confirm God's invitation to you, his choice of you. Don't put it off; do it now. Do this, and you'll have your life on a firm footing, the streets paved and the way wide open into the eternal kingdom of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:3-11 (The Message).
5-9 So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus. Without these qualities you can't see what's right before you, oblivious that your old sinful life has been wiped off the books.
10-11 So, friends, confirm God's invitation to you, his choice of you. Don't put it off; do it now. Do this, and you'll have your life on a firm footing, the streets paved and the way wide open into the eternal kingdom of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:3-11 (The Message).
Friday, March 7, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
What do I do with myself????
Is this what normal life is really like? I completely believe that during the last year I have become addicted to busyness, drama, and crazy-paced living.
I found myself looking for something to do last night (imagine that!) and realized that it has been almost year since I have been on the treadmill (as anyone who knows me can tell). Exercising used to be the one thing I did every day no matter what! At times in my life, it has been the only thing to keep me sane. So, I laced up my tennis shoes and jumped back on.
My point - I had no idea how crazy my life had become until I have had the chance to slow down the past few weeks. Also, I believe any time a person experiences death, it causes them to slow down in some ways. It makes you appreciate life a little more even if you are not consciously trying to.
Basically, stress had become my best friend - attached itself to me like a leech and I didn't even know it. Now, I feel lost without it. Sounds strange I know, but true. Now, I have to try and remember what a normal day is like and go from there. So, after work I will hit the treadmill, do homework with the kids and go to church and I will move forward step by step - choosing to remember the good memories of my brother and his life. Life is what you make it and I choose to remember the good and keep marching on.............
Love to all,
I found myself looking for something to do last night (imagine that!) and realized that it has been almost year since I have been on the treadmill (as anyone who knows me can tell). Exercising used to be the one thing I did every day no matter what! At times in my life, it has been the only thing to keep me sane. So, I laced up my tennis shoes and jumped back on.
My point - I had no idea how crazy my life had become until I have had the chance to slow down the past few weeks. Also, I believe any time a person experiences death, it causes them to slow down in some ways. It makes you appreciate life a little more even if you are not consciously trying to.
Basically, stress had become my best friend - attached itself to me like a leech and I didn't even know it. Now, I feel lost without it. Sounds strange I know, but true. Now, I have to try and remember what a normal day is like and go from there. So, after work I will hit the treadmill, do homework with the kids and go to church and I will move forward step by step - choosing to remember the good memories of my brother and his life. Life is what you make it and I choose to remember the good and keep marching on.............
Love to all,
Monday, March 3, 2008
Gorgeous day here in Winchester, TN! 72 degrees and sunny......
Here is a quote I wanted to share out of my devotion this morning....
"What Satan and others mean for evil in our lives, God would never allow unless it could be used for good and for the delivering of our lives. The family is a crucial intitution. It affects everyone, for good or ill. By its very nature, it can be the place where one experiences and learns intimacy, love and growth or it can be the place where one experiences and learns resentment, abuse and destructive behavior."
Basically, whatever happened to us growing up or has happened now within our families can be used for good or better yet to heal us if we let it. This really hit home with me because of my brother's death and also with dealing with his alcoholism. I think I could have easily gone down the same path had it not been for watching my brother all these years.
Nevertheless, I guess my point is that no matter what family issues you are dealing with, God will work it out for good if you believe in Him and follow his Word. That's an awesome thought if we can just keep reminding ourselves of it. God is good!
Here is a quote I wanted to share out of my devotion this morning....
"What Satan and others mean for evil in our lives, God would never allow unless it could be used for good and for the delivering of our lives. The family is a crucial intitution. It affects everyone, for good or ill. By its very nature, it can be the place where one experiences and learns intimacy, love and growth or it can be the place where one experiences and learns resentment, abuse and destructive behavior."
Basically, whatever happened to us growing up or has happened now within our families can be used for good or better yet to heal us if we let it. This really hit home with me because of my brother's death and also with dealing with his alcoholism. I think I could have easily gone down the same path had it not been for watching my brother all these years.
Nevertheless, I guess my point is that no matter what family issues you are dealing with, God will work it out for good if you believe in Him and follow his Word. That's an awesome thought if we can just keep reminding ourselves of it. God is good!
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